Boosting Fibre Broadband across Brecon and Radnorshire

 “This is one of the biggest issues in my inbox. Residents are held back by poor broadband – to say nothing of the boost it could give to emergency services. Good connectivity could boost economic growth right across Brecon and Radnorshire."

Access to better broadband and phone signal is vital for residents and businesses across our rural area. Fay has held regular meetings with BT, Openreach, BDUK, and other service providers to speed up fibre roll out and decrease the number of technical issues across Brecon and Radnorshire. 

Fay's priority is to bring all parties to the table to understand the barriers to high speed broadband and identify solutions. Fay is actively tackling the large mobile not-spots in Brecon and Radnorshire by keeping up the pressure on the UK Government’s Shared Rural Network. Fay has also written to the Welsh Government asking them to improve internet connectivity using the £70 million set aside for that purpose. 

Reliable broadband is the future of our way of life. Farms can become more efficient, holiday homes can offer more to their guests and businesses can expand and thrive – creating the jobs that our young people need to stay in this part of the world. But our amazing landscapes and beautiful countryside often present problems for broadband infrastructure and it’s something Fay has been working to improve for some time. The biggest hurdle is often the cost of installation and so, to prevent rural homes and businesses from losing out, the UK and Welsh Governments have stumped up cash to reduce the set up costs on households and businesses. 

Enhancing the access and use of fibre broadband across the constituency will allow for easier contact to emergency services, improve rural connectivity and better mobile phone coverage which is now becoming more essential to rural life.


Fay with Openreach Engineers

Fay with Openreach Engineers


Constituency-Wide Mobile Phone Coverage Survey Launched by Fay Jones MP

The member of parliament for Brecon and Radnorshire, Fay Jones MP, has announced the launch of a comprehensive mobile phone coverage survey across the constituency. This initiative is a part of a continuous effort to improve mobile connectivity for all residents.